Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kult Magazine

The Italian (Milan) based "Kult Magazine" contacted me a few months ago about doing a one page spread on my photography. I was pretty psyched to see the result in this months issue. It's a magazine focusing on fashion and art.

Model Credits: My cousin Phil, Adya, Cassandra and Nikki (thanks guys!)


Tony said...

Wow! You didn't tell me about this! This is awesome! I love that picture of you! You look SO beautiful... I mean of course you do.. LOL

Congrats Dee! you a "kult" hit!

Dave Levingston said...

Very well deserved recognition for a fine photographer. An internationally known photographer.

Scott said...

yeaaa Diana! have some kool-aide.

Pointpusher said...

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S!!! Well deserved. said...

opss opss oh my god!! Diana many congrats!! now Im checking your blog wowww that is amazing!! is hard to get a recognition in Europe so many but many congrats!!! said...

I should go Eva is call me please keep posting more. and congrats!! for the italy magazine that is a hard work!!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! I'm so happy for you!